Our goal is to provide accurate and up to date information on Muzzle Sizing, Fitting, Training, Modifying etc. Muzzle Training is so much more than slapping on any muzzle that'll close their mouth and be done with it. There are many important steps to take to ensure the muzzle fits well, the dog enjoys wearing it and that it helps make things better rather than worse. Whether muzzling for aggression, scavenging or the law, I hope this website helps you and your dog. Remember you are not alone.

We understand how frustrating, confusing, and upsetting it can be coming here needing a muzzle whilst also believing muzzles are wrong or not liking the stigma surrounding them. We promise we can change your mind by the time you leave. Not only do muzzles save dogs lives, but they also change the owners life too. Muzzle Training & Tips admin/members did all the hard work collecting and cataloging the important information need to correctly muzzle your dog. So you to focus on what's essential, like rebuilding your relationship with your dog, moving into training or group classes, play dates, correct socialising, and so much more.
This website wouldn't be possible without our previous admins, members & customers, thankyou to all.

Muzzle Sizing Help (Closed)
Unfortunately due to illness I am unable to continue sizing/selling muzzles for the foreseeable future. I hope to eventually redo the website to make it even easier to take/use the information to create your own sizing program to help others.
Muzzle Training Info
Learn how to muzzle train your dog correctly, by keeping things fun and positive.

How To Size
We have extensive information on how to size your own dog for a well fit muzzle.

Modifying Muzzles
Learn of the many ways you can modify your muzzle for function and/or looks.

Securing Information
Securing most muzzles is recommended for a few reasons, the biggest is to stop the muzzle coming off at the worst times.

Learn Much More..
There is way to much to list here as we have over 8 categories packed full of every bit of muzzle info you need.

Brand & Size Info
We have collected 600+ accurate measurements of all popular brands and sizes as well as reviews, where to purchase, comparison and much more.

Member Reviews
Many member reviews on muzzles, sizes, companies, makers and much more.
A Members Review
"I just want to take a moment and express how thankful I am that I have this resource. I play a major role in the behavior and training program for a very large breed rescue, and we have used MTT to help us size many, many dogs who otherwise may not be alive today. With a properly-fitted, safe muzzle, we have been able to work through some issues safely that would have otherwise made these dogs unadoptable and unsafe. Every muzzle we have had fitted through MTT has been accurate, and we have been able to make modifications to the muzzles with the tips on the website to make them even more comfortable and effective. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My own and many other dogs are so grateful!!"
- Delta Canine