Accurate Size Charts
IDEAL Wire Charts
There is only two picture charts for this brand.
These charts are made by me using measurements received from our members and admins, or just from me buying and measuring sizes. Unfortunately one of the biggest issues with most muzzle companies is their incorrect or incomplete measurements making sizing a muzzle incredibly difficult.
These charts are as accurate as we can get but this does not mean they are spot on, because most are from members, not all may have measured in the same spot or their tape measurements are slightly off. The picture charts show the exact size and shape of the muzzles which some members prefer. Please do NOT take or screenshot these images.
In this order below: CHOPO Wire, JVM Wire, JAFCO, Baskerville Ultra, Greyhound Types, ROZCHOV, M3/M4 Wire, B+F Leather, CHOPO Leather, BASKERVILLE Classic, Bronze Dog, Redline, Prestige Wire, C&S Wire and IDEAL Wire.
CHOPO Wire Charts
We have made a few charts for this brand, one is to compare the sizes over numerous companies that sell the same muzzle under different numbers/names. The other is a full measurement chart of all CHOPO/FDT sizes. The last charts are basically the same but they only have the sizes that MTT sell. We do have the option to sell all but from our experience the sizes we leave out rarely fit dogs anyway. There is also 40 picture charts for this brand.
JVM Wire Charts
There is three charts for this brand, one is a full measurement chart of all unmeasured (or inaccurately measured) sizes. The other is the chart for the full accurate measurements collected by MTT and our members. Lastly a weight chart to find out how heavy the muzzles are, this is found with the number charts. You can also find 24 picture charts so far, we are always adding more as members send in measurements.
JAFCO Charts
Just two number charts for this brand, one is the full accurate measurements collected by MTT and our members and the other is the weight chart for all the sizes. Also included is the 9 picture charts for each size.
Only one number chart for this brand, it is the full accurate measurements collected by MTT and our members. There is also 7 picture charts for each size.
Listed here are the charts for muzzles from The Muzzle Shop, Birdwell, Brocks and AU Brands. We should mention that the muzzle shop measurements come from the awesome owner who got them their self, we just put the measurements into a chart. There is only two picture charts for these.
Listed here are the accurate measurements for ROZCHOV muzzles and 5 picture charts so far. We will add more as we get them.
M3/M4 Wire Charts
Listed here are the accurate measurements for M3/M4 Wire muzzles and 13 picture charts. We have decided to not collect more of this brand since so many other sizes are the wrong shape to work on any dog.
B+F Leather Charts
A new brand MTT have access to so there is only two picture charts right now.
View number chart HERE.
CHOPO Leather Charts
A new brand MTT have access to so like above there is only one picture chart right now.
View number chart HERE.
BASKERVILLE Classic Charts
A brand we have limited information on.
View number chart HERE.
Another brand like above that we have limited information on with only 2 picture charts.
View number chart HERE.
There is three picture charts for this brand.
View number chart HERE.
Prestige Wire Charts
There is only a number chart for this brand.
View picture charts HERE.
C&S Wire Charts
There is only two picture charts for this brand.
View number chart HERE.