Redline Vinyl
Manufacturer: Redline
Location: USA
Ships: Worldwide
Options: 2 sizes, clear only
Sellers: 3+
Scavenge Proof: Yes
Bite proof: yes unless clear with treat hole
Pros & Cons

What is good or bad about these muzzles will depend on the dog, owner and also size. This list below is generalised.
Multiple places to purchase
Scavenge proof
Bite-proof (excluding with the treat hole)
Felt nosebands
Clear Vinyl
3 Strap Options
Treat hole option
Longer nose lengths
More costly
Smaller/limited sizes
MTT Info Charts
Muzzle Training and Tips are the only ones who have a full and accurate size, measurement and weight chart for these muzzles. Most companies use a wildly inaccurate or incomplete chart, which is unfair to customers who should know exactly what they are purchasing.
Dog Muzzle Charts (none yet)
Make & Material
The muzzle is made of Clear vinyl or Black polyethylene plastic with reinforced neoprene or leather straps. The clear is flexible vinyl, and available in all sizes/brands mentioned, comes as shown with a single strap configuration or with a "third strap" that extends from the bridge of the dog's nose up between the eyes to connect with the strap behind the ears. Available as shown or with a large "treat hole" in front for most sizes.
The black muzzle is made of lightweight, high-density polyethylene and available from ray Allen; it comes as shown with a single strap configuration or with a "third strap" that extends from the bridge of the dog's nose up between the eyes to connect with the strap behind the ears. Available as shown or with a large "treat hole" in front for most sizes.
All sizes have a felt noseband, and you can easily add quick-release buckles to these straps and modify, decorate etc.
To tell RAY ALLEN and REDLINE clears apart, the RAY ALLEN has white felt where as the REDLINE has black, with full black straps (unlike JAFCO).
Where/How To Purchase